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@English Li.
2. After reading T. S. Eliot’s “J. Alfred Prufrock’s Love Song,” can I, as one living in a high-tech world almost one hundred years away from T. S. Eliot’s, still preserve a romantic notion of love? Why or Why not?
5. Have you ever taken a city walk in Taipei? Did that walk provide you with an experience of “epiphany”? If so, describe such a walk while keeping in mind James Joyce’s Ulysses, which is also about adventures in a metropolis leading to “epiphany”.


@初日期末考 CH.7

@心理學出題 6/13考
第14章 480頁以後
第15章 526-529頁
第19章 692-694頁

@考體育 慢跑

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第三世界政治 期末考

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社會心理學 期末考 & 期末報告

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